Bundle of Foundation Family 3.0

MeningsFylla No. 1 and No. 2

The bundle that sets the Fondation in Family 3.0

Family 3.0 consists of 20 *MeningsFyllor™ and these 2 sets the fondation for the other tools. 

*MeningsFylla™, is our word for filling life with even more importance and meaning.

MeningsFylla™ No 1 dealing with the challenge of Staying calm when my children press my buttons

MeningsFylla™ No 2 that addresses the challenge of building solid self-esteem and dealing with criticism


It is not always easy to be a parent and to suffice enough in the fast-paced world. Especially if your child is not well.

Many of our children in are not doing well. In Sweden 20% suffer from mental health problems, 25% do not finish primary school with adequate grades and the number of children staying at home is frighteningly high!

What can we do?!

Human Toolbox is a toolbox that makes it easier to be Human. In Family 3.0, we collect tools that make it easier for you as a parent to support your child to feel safe within themselves instead of looking for it on the outside.

Linn explains how the tools help her in her daily life.

Her relationship with emotions, how she can determine her state and live from the inside out instead of the outside in.

The app is available 24/7

Here we go through how the MeningsFyllan looks like in the Zenler app. It becomes available immediately after you purchase the course. If you choose to take several MeningsFyllor, you can see all of them here. Easy to get updates from Community Family 3.0 and the Community for The Whole Village in one place.

These are some of the tools you get in the Basic Package

Different psychological phases

You will understand how important it is for children to go through the different psychological phases. In these phases the child developes trust in themselves, the parent and the world around them. 

Talk to children at different ages

You will get tips on how to best talk to children of different ages so that you can reach out to them.

When others press your buttons

When you own your remote control whose buttons control your emotions, no one else can make you sad, angry, etc. Victimhood no longer exist. Unless you give the remote control away.

Healthy relationships

You can create healthy relationships. No more victimhood and co-dependency after this integration.

Emergency brake!

If life could be described as a train. Have you ever felt that life is moving so fast that it feels like it's about to derail? You might be wondering "Where is the Emergency Brake?!" Here is a simple and effective Emergency Brake to make your life easier.

Awareness of your thoughts

You become aware of why it is important to pay attention to your thoughts. What you think affects your feelings and your feelings determine the quality of your life.

Relationship with emotions

You will get tools to create a healthy relationship with your emotions and will be able to change less beneficial emotions.


You get the tool of Self-Respect and with it you can create a solid Self-Esteem. The importance of being able to distinguish between what you do and who you are,
Human Doing and Human Being.

Feedback or personal criticism

You choose to take opinions as feedback instead of taking it as personal criticism. Feedback does not mean that it is true and that you have to follow it.
But what if it is a gift?

I AM Loved

Own the conviction that I am loved for who I am whether I am good at what I do or not.

Test the tool on yourself first

You test the tools on yourself and then practice them together with your child. Once a month in the Community Family 3.0 you can participate in a webinar where we practice the tools together.

Creating a meaningful life

You will receive a high level of personal development in Self Leadership. Your child will have the knowledge how to create a meaningful life with the belief that
"I am loved for who I am and not for what I do!"

Glad you're joining us!

Susanne Limnell

Anna Björnberg

  • Bundle
  • $240 USD

    MeningsFylla No. 1 and No. 2

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